Sanitization Services in Pittsburgh
If you are concerned about adequately disinfecting your Pittsburgh property, you are already playing an essential role in the battle against coronavirus.
Our community has been blindsided by the sudden, rapid spread of this highly contagious virus. Many feel overwhelmed by the life-altering effort to observe social distancing and sanitize homes and businesses. While these changes may be difficult, they are absolutely essential. The threat of this pandemic is serious… and very real.
If you are not worried for your own health and safety, please remember that your actions affect the wider community. Our high-risk neighbors could experience severe complications from a coronavirus infection, including death. Even if you do not live with a vulnerable person, you are bound to share a public space with someone who does. Remember to leave at least six feet of distance between yourself and other people. Wash your hands frequently. And never take for granted that you are free of the virus. The CDC reports that some people can carry and spread the virus for up to 14 days before ever showing signs of infection.
Property owners must be especially vigilant. Every time someone in your household goes out into the community, they risk bringing the virus home. Maintain constant cleanliness, especially if a family member is an essential worker who must leave home every day.
Your commercial facility comes with a much wider set of challenges. There is no way to truly monitor traffic through your retail store or office space. People come to your property from many other public and private spaces. Those who seem healthy may carry coronavirus without realizing it. As an added challenge, the virus remains viable on certain services for hours… even days. It is possible that a customer who visited your store this morning could expose an afternoon patron to potential infection. As the wider community begins to understand the highly contagious nature of this illness, anxiety spreads. One of the best things you can do to reassure valued customers and staff is to make sure your property receives regular disinfection.
911 Restoration of Pittsburgh is an excellent resource for both residential and commercial deep cleaning. Our sanitization technicians are highly trained, adhering strictly to CDC and EPA protocols. They disinfect your property thoroughly, whether it’s an office or warehouse, a house or a condo. We serve properties in Pittsburgh and throughout the wider region. Above all, we treat you like a neighbor. As a locally owned and operated business, we are as invested as you are in keeping our community as clean as possible.
We believe we’ll all work our way to Fresh Start, but it’s going to take hard work and vigilance. You find those qualities in 911 Restoration of Pittsburgh. For sanitization and peace of mind, call today.